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What we do

We work with older persons associations in rural communities to promote their rights, support and enhance their resilience through income generating initiatives and engage in inter generational dialogues to create a society for all ages.

Structure and People

ACF has County representatives spread across the areas where we work and who steer OPA led interventions. The day to day activities are coordinated by a secretariat led by the Founder supporting as the Executive Director based in Nairobi and governed by a Board who meets every three months in any of the presence counties.

ACF’s Mission

To improve the lives of older adults through caring services with opportunities for social interaction, recreation, needs, basic responsible support, volunteerism, and community activism.


To be a centre where older people engage, enrich and empower their lives.

Income and livelihoods for the Elderly

Income and livelihoods programs consist of income generating initiatives that have evolved to be a source of income to the older persons within the Older Persons Associations (OPAs), guaranteeing the groups’ sustainability and providing a forum to engage, enrich and empower older persons’ lives.

Care and Support Programs

Coordinated by our community representatives, we carry out routine home visits to older persons in the rural areas for wellness, sensitization and awareness creation on national ,county and related older persons programs .We also carry out Age Demands Action (ADA) campaigns to expand advocacy on violence, abuse and neglect (VAN) on older persons.

Advocacy and Partnerships

ACF engages with other older persons organizations (OPOs), state actors, gender and disability movements to join national, regional, and global campaigns to advocate for older persons’ rights/issues and further participate on calls for inclusion, challenging ageism and build collaborations able to effect change fit for the aging population.


We Support the call for a UN Convention On The Rights of Older People

Impact Stories and Social Media

At ACF, we strive to enrich the livelihoods of senior citizens who are pillars from which communities tap wisdom and guidance. Driven by a passion to offer practical and sustainable positive transformation. ACF is committed to taking actions that re-energize older persons, amplify their voices and eliminate negative societal stigma associated with age discrimination.


Hear their say

Alice, 80, Kenya

Older Person

Alice, 61, Kenya

Older Person

Updates by the Ageing Concern Foundation

BLOGS and Updates