1. Age Equality Project
The project seeks to address Ageism through Policy and legislation. The overall goal of the project is to promote legal reform and the adoption of comprehensive anti-discrimination laws that effectively tackle Ageism.
2. COVID -19 Vaccine Access and Uptake in Low -Middle-Income Countries – Kenya
The project seeks to:
a) Implement community-based approaches to improve vaccine uptake.
b) Train older people to become vaccine advocates or champions in addressing vaccine apathy among older persons.
c) Engage stakeholders and policymakers at national and sub-national levels to champion Vaccine Equity ensuring inclusion of older persons in the Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX) strategic plan with clear approaches to reach them
3. Agriculture for the Aged Project
Focused on creating income for older person associations in Kakamega and Narok Counties.
4. Chicken Rearing Projects
Currently, the project is implemented by the older person group in Wamiembe, Migori County, and is targeted to benefit older persons as a source of generating income for the members as well as strengthen their participation in the OPA activities in the project area.