Human Rights and Legal Empowerment of Older Persons Training
We are excited to announce our participation in the recent Training of Trainers (ToTs) workshop […]
Increasing Healthy Ageing Services for Older Persons in Narok, Siaya, Kakamega and Migori Counties of Kenya
Increasing Healthy Ageing Services for Older Persons in Narok, Siaya, Kakamega and Migori Counties of […]
Ageing Concern Foundation Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant Opportunity
ACF wishes to engage a communications consultant under the Increasing Healthy Ageing Services for Older Persons Project to develop advocacy and communications products specifically videos, OpEds and policy briefs.
Ageing Concern Foundation (ACF) Communications Consultant Opportunity
ACF wishes to engage a communications consultant under the Increasing Healthy Ageing Services for Older Persons Project to develop advocacy and communications products specifically videos, OpEds and policy briefs.
Career Opportunities Announcement
ACF wishes to engage advertise for the following roles within the organization:
Joint Written Statement
Joint written statement of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People(GAROP) for the […]